Declinol Use Directions
Declinol Use Directions
As a dietary supplement, take 1 packet (7 ml) of Declinol with food 4 times per day for the first 7 days, then 2 times daily for the next 7 weeks, or as directed by your Practitioner. Continue use until your target alcohol consumption goal is reached. May be taken at any time during the day, and can be taken straight or mixed with juice or food. Do not take more than 6 packets per day. If any adverse reactions are experienced, discontinue use immediately and consult your Practitioner.
What is in Declinol?
Declinol is formulated from naturally occurring compounds, phyto-nutrients, and botanical extracts that can help promote your body’s internal balance and greatly decrease excessive alcohol cravings and dependence.*30 The following are summaries of selected ingredients contained in Declinol, along with scientific references:
Daidzin *2-7
Perhaps the most important component of Declinol is a derivative of an herb named Puerariae Radix, better known as Kudzu Root. Kudzu is made up of a number of phyto-nutrients, including Daidzin. Daidzin is an isoflavone compound, and flavones are found in roughly 50% of all plants. It just so happens that Kudzu is one of the best sources of naturally occurring Daidzin. Daidzin from Kudzu has been studied extensively for its ability to decrease the craving for alcohol. In addition to Daidzin, 47 other isoflavones have been detected in Kudzu along with several vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.
Bitter Herbs (Gentian & Tangerine Peel) *6-20
Bitter herbs have a long and successful tradition of use for a number of health purposes. Bitters have been used for centuries to improve digestion, and are still commonly used in many cuisines, taken before meals, to stimulate digestive processes. It used to be assumed that bitters only stimulated receptors in the mouth, and then somewhat in the digestive tract. It has been demonstrated however, that bitter receptors exist throughout the entire gastro-intestinal tract.
When triggered by bitter compounds, these receptors then stimulate a myriad of bodily functions. In addition to digestion, these receptors promote absorption of nutrients, healthy elimination, blood sugar homeostasis, and can even help with weight control. Moreover, specific bitter receptors seem to promote the elimination of absorbed toxins from the gut. One of the herbals in Declinol, Gentian, is considered the most effective of the bitter herbs. In tests, it was found that the bitter taste from Gentian can still be perceived even when diluted down to 1 part in 12,000. Tangerine Peel has some bitter qualities as well, and is an excellent complement to the actions of Gentian.
Tangerine Peel delivers several novel flavonoids that all offer numerous health advantages including enhancing metabolism, promoting detoxification, and protecting cells from free radical damage.
Recently, unique discoveries have been made pertaining to the actions of bitters, and a family of 30 specific bitter flavor receptors in the GI Tract. Known as TAS2R’s, these receptors are located throughout the gut and are set to detect a variety of differing bitter profiles. (Other TAS receptors are able to detect sweet and savory tastes.) When stimulated, TAS2R receptors elicit a number of actions.
Throughout the gut and endocrine system, digestive secretions are promoted in the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, and small and large intestine. Digestion, assimilation, and elimination are all improved. Bitters have been used to help relief symptoms of constipation, flatulence, appetite loss, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain and nausea.
Another unique action of bitters such as Gentian is in creating aversion to certain things. It is thought that this is a defensive action of the body to protect it from toxins, many of which are often bitter in taste. One such natural aversion from stimulation of TAS2R receptors, through exposure to bitters, is towards alcohol. According to epidemiological studies, functional variants in bitter taste receptors have been linked to alcohol dependency, adiposity, eating behavior dis-inhibition, and body-mass index. Generally, people with lower bitter-tasting sensitivity exhibited poorer health measures.
Studies have demonstrated that people who have a genetic variation which decreases their sensitivity to bitter taste compounds are at a higher risk for alcohol dependence. To make matters worse, the typical modern diet is very lacking in bitter taste profiles. This lack of bitter flavor ingestion compromises not only overall health, but may allow for a greater risk of alcohol intake. The bitter compounds contained in Declinol can promote better health overall, while also helping to better ensure that the TAS2R receptors in the human gut are stimulated adequately.
A final point about bitters and alcohol intake: It has been scientifically shown that bitter compounds like Gentian can positively affect glucose balance, and therefore promote healthy glucose metabolism. One of the ancillary factors in alcohol dependence is blood sugar imbalances. Alcohol quickly affects blood sugar, especially in the brain. Certainly an added stress of attempting to eliminate alcohol usage is the drastic swings in blood sugar, which when occurring may stimulate a stronger desire to drink. Any natural means to balance blood sugar can therefore be of great cessation benefit to alcohol programs.
Bupleurum *21-24
Bupleurum is one of the major herbs in Chinese herbal medicine (TCM) for treating liver imbalances. It has been used for 2000 years for a wide variety of ailments. One of Bupleurum’s unique abilities is to be effective for both acute and chronic problems. It is also known to help with acute conditions that become chronic. Bupleurum has been used clinically to treat hepatitis, and is actually beneficial for promoting the health of the entire liver. In Chinese lore, Bupleurum was used to help get rid of old stored up emotions and sadness and help raise emotional vitality. It is extremely important to support liver function when working to reduce alcohol intake. Many toxins can be built up through prolonged alcohol usage, and the liver is the prime organ for detoxification. In addition, Bupleurum has been shown in clinical settings to have anti-inflammatory abilities. Again this is vital to protect and re-vitalize the liver when attempting to handle alcohol intake and subsequent withdrawal.
Rehmannia *25-27
Rehmannia has been used for centuries in TCM to support kidney and adrenal function. Rehmannia, along with Licorice Root in Declinol are well versed to not only support adrenal health, but to also help combat adrenal exhaustion as caused by excessive amounts of steroid hormones. Often excess stress can cause the need to look for outside relief, such as alcohol. Just helping the body cope better with stress may help deter the need for external relief like alcohol or drugs. In addition, the by-products of alcohol ingestion can lead to toxicity and inflammation, two strong stressors. So compounds like Rehmannia and Licorice Root, in bolstering the adrenal glands, can play a major role in supporting alcohol cessation programs. Working synergistically with Licorice Root and Bupleurum, Rehmannia also contributes anti-inflammatory assistance. This is extremely important and alcohol metabolites can be strongly pro-inflammatory. There have been numerous constituents isolated from Rehmannia with biological activity. One of those, Catalpol, has a neuroprotective effect in the brain against ischemia (loss of oxygen).
Chinese Angelica *28-29
Chinese Angelica has been used for centuries in TCM. It has been noted for its ability to exert a vast number of benefits for the vascular system. Angelica helps to nourish blood flow and relieve stagnation. It also has anti-spasmodic effects. Research has shown that Angelica has a positive impact on the Spleen, very necessary for clearing out old red blood cells and replacing them with health red blood cells. This function is vital to proper oxygenation of the entire system. This herb has demonstrated anti-histamine properties. With regard to alcohol cravings, it has been theorized that some people who crave alcohol and tend to be driven and compulsive drinkers have too much histamine in their system. (Histamine can act as a neurotransmitter.) Alcohol ingestion is one way to overcome the imbalances caused by excess histamine, so a substance like Angelica which can lower histamine levels, may help to curb the craving for alcohol.
High-quality ingredients are of no use if your body can’t absorb and use them effectively. Declinol’s Nano-2 encapsulation technology is a proprietary delivery system that helps your body to absorb up to 400% more31-37 of the nutrients than conventional supplement products. The high rate of absorption allows for a quick response, maximum amount of benefit, and sustained levels of activity. Nano-2 helps to ensure your body utilizes every ingredient to its fullest potential.

2. Identification of isoflavone glycosides in Pueraria lobata cultures by tandem mass spectrometry. Prasain JK, Reppert A, Jones K, Moore DR 2nd, Barnes S, Lila MA.Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA.
3. The isoflavone puerarin reduces alcohol intake in heavy drinkers: A pilot study.Penetar DM, Toto LH, Farmer SL, Lee DY, Ma Z, Liu Y, Lukas SE. Behavioral Psychopharmacology Research Laboratory, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA 02478, United States; Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, United States.
4. The Potential of Herbs and their Derivatives in Treating Addiction
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5. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1996 Apr;20(2):221-7.Suppression of alcohol intake after administration of the Chinese herbal medicine, NPI-028, and its derivatives.Overstreet DH, Lee YW, Rezvani AH, Pei YH, Criswell HE, Janowsky DS. Skipper Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill 27599-7178, USA
6. Carlson AJ, Torchiani B, Hallock R. Contributions to the physiology of the stomach. XXI: The supposed actions of the bitter tonic on the secretion of gastric juice in man and dog. JAMA, 1915;64(1):15-17.
7. Meyerhof W. Elucidation of mammalian bitter taste. Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol, 2005;154:37-72.
8. Behrens M, Meyerhof W. Gustatory and extragustatory functions of mammalian taste receptors. Physiol Behav, 2011;105(1): 4-13.
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11. Wolf S, Mack M. Experimental study of the action of bitters on the stomach of a fistulous human subject. Drug Standards, 1956;24(3):98-101.
12. Mills SM, Bone K. Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy. Modern Herbal Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 2000:38-41.
13. Gebhardt R. Stimulation of acid secretion by extracts of Gentiana luteaL. in cultured cells from rat gastric mucosa. Pharm Pharmacol Lett, 1997;7(2-3):106-108.
14. Wegener T. Anwendung eines Trockenextraktes aus Gentiana lutea radix bei dyspeptischem Symptomenkomplex. ZPhytother, 1998;19:163-164.
27. Yukmijihwang-tang derivatives enhance cognitive processing in normal young adults: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Park E, Kang M, Oh JW, Jung M, Park C, Cho C, Kim C, Ji S, Lee Y, Choi H, Kim H, Ko S, Shin M, Park S, Kim HT, Hong M, Bae H. Department of Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
31. Mayer, J, -Functional Foods for Health Program, USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, MA
33. Keller, B.C., Liposomes in Nutrition, Trends in Food Science & Technology 12 (2001) 25–31
34. Yoko Shojia,b, and Hideki Nakashimaa, Nutraceutics and Delivery Systems, Journal of Drug Targeting, 12(6):385-391, 2004
36. Torchilin VP. (2006)Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2006 Dec 1;58(14):1532-55
Keller, B, PhD, Liposomes, Power Point