Stacey J.
I really can't comment on it because I bought it for my daughter and she hasn't used it yet.
Ronee C.
It did nothing to decrease my cravings
Robert S.
The supplement was fine.
However, the ziplock bag needs improvement. The zipper was so stiff that the glue attaching it to the bag came away spilling the contents everywhere and necessitating the use of a bag clip for the next 30 days.
Esther D.
It's not doing much to deter my desire.
Allison L.
I gained weight using this and will be discontinuing my use. Also, it didn’t change anything.
Zena C.
Sad don't see any different
Sally R.
The medicine has been very very helpful. I have significantly decreased my alcohol consumption. As a retiree there is a tendency to enjoy “ happy hour” a little more than I should. I may have a drink but no longer 3 drinks in an evening, it is a nice transition.
Chris L.
Made me terribly sick diarrhea’s and vomiting. Threw it away.
Shawn W.
10 days in, it seems to have curbd the " I need a drink" feeling. Also, appears that my overall mood has improved.
I have not seen any benefits from taking it
Alyssa D.
I’m drinking half as much as I used to.
anne n.
I was not told how much you were charging me! I am calling Monday to get this worked out.
Cindy T.
So far so good! I went dry the day after Christmas and haven’t looked back. I don’t plan to totally stop but wanted a reset. This is great way to reset.
Karen H.
I much prefer the mist
I do not like the pills at all
Karyn M.
Didn’t do anything for me. Not sure if I want to continue once I’m done with what I have.
Sally R.
It seems to help curb my craving for a drink, I am retired and fell into the retired casual drinking trap. Always on vacation at the beach. I still have a drink at night but not 4 drinks!
Feeling better!
Joan B.
Can't really tell after 2 weeks. Doesn't it take time?
billy p.
so far , good, will order again
Charlotte D.
It's working well so far. I will continue to use it.
Melissa T.
Didn't really work for me
Danyale H.
Sadly, it didn't work. But I tried. Thank you
Kris A.
It does absolutely nothing for me. I thought it my make my 30-day cleanse (that I do every few months) a little easier - but I didn’t notice any difference in my cravings.
Aaron n.
Doesn't necessarily work that good
Sandra M.
I only took about 5 pills. I had been praying to god to help me quit drinking and hd answered my prayers
I took the pills the first two days and the there was a definite decrease in urge for alcohol. Unfortunately, I continued to drink so the effects of the pills no longer took effect. I'm taking a break from taking them and have not consumed alcohol in the last four days. I'll start back up with the Declinol and see if it works.
Franke W.
It affected my digestive system for several days so I stopped taking it.
jose q.
That’s what work tried. There’s the second time I know I think it’s the third time that I buy $150 worth and he doesn’t work sorry thank you very much for keeping my money.
sheila R.
It doesn't work and a waste of my money! Would like a refund.
Nancy L.
I liked having the added supplements while I go through the process of being alcohol free.
Natalin B.
My husband is still drinking even after taking pills
William B.
I'm wondering if the formula changed. This product used to work great for me. This last order I received not so much. Although it does still help a little; previously, this would completely take away cravings.
Not really curtailing my cravings
Cindy W.
Declinol was vital to starting - and still keeping - my dry January. I now use it when the urge starts to creep up - also helps curb carb cravings. Huge part of my success - down 20 pounds and enjoying life!!
Tony Z.
To strong for me had to throw out the balance of the medication
Karen T.
Didn’t really notice a curbing effect.
That was disappointing.
Vitamins seem good.
Kris B.
It helps with cravings but isn't a cure all. For me it works to help reduce cravings while I'm also working some sort of program. For me, it's the Sunnyside app. There are other options from the Reframe app to AA to actual rehab. The two together help me get to more alcohol free days and help me drink less on drinking days.
Sergio C.
Not sure if I feel any difference from regular will-power to cut down.
Candace B.
Did not notice nothing, ineffective.
Dennis B.
Well it's been 4 days and I'm still drinking and not feeling any different so I will post after 30 day mark
Monique H.
Declinol definitely works. It removes my cravings for alcohol and helps me either not drink or drink just one glass of wine a night. The days I skip a pill or forget I definitely don't have as much control. It does not remove habit, so I am working on finding a new habit or way of winding down after work.
Andrea M.
Definitely helping to curb physical cravings still working on my mental cravings
Sondra S.
A friend I were talking about 2020 and when we both getting Covid together and since then we agreed that both of us were drinking more. Working from home, adult kids at home, and a lot of extra time. Drinking was the thing to do when we were all together. I had already cut back when She told me about your product. I am happy with the product, Still pretty new with the it but I have had no drink Mondays and going to start no drink Thursdays. I give it a Thumbs up!
Juliet S.
This product has helped me to significantly cut down my drinking. I no longer crave alcohol. I can go without!
Cathy Y.
This truly changed my cravings but I really wanted to stop which is required for it to work, I believe!
Deborah A.
Feeling more energy
Audra G.
I've been using the product for 3 weeks. It has helped me reduce the number of drinks I consume but not helped me quit altogether. I think I may try the clinical strength to help curb the cravings better. I'm definetly hopeful that after several months of consistent usage I can reach my goal to sustain from my addiction.
Dennis D.
I was a hardcore alcoholic but I have been able to quit drinking completely with declinol, first try ! It totally helps with the cravings and after 3 weeks I think I'm done completely. Thank you for changing my life!
Helen M.
The product was good it was for my daughter seam s
To work
Debbie G.
It definitely curbs my cravings. I only want to drink 1 time a week, this is sooooo helpful. Thank you Debbie, Ca.
Fernando M.
Was of no help at all
Brian S.
It has helped a little but I still have up to 4 or 5 drinks after taking it. down from 7+
Joshua F.
So far this is not helping but i am a heavy drinker
george s.
After about 3 weeks on the extra strength formula, I have not noticed a difference in cravings at all. Also, on the website, it shows the proprietary ingredient as 1445 mg, on the package I received, it is listed as 1150 mg.
I may give the Max strength a try, just to see if that works for me, but it is quite expensive.
Nancy S.
I have been taking this product for 17 days now and have had no cravings to drink. I chose to have a glass of wine with dinner on Sunday and didn't want more. I use to drink 4-6 glasses of wine each day so this is a true testament on how well this product works. Thank you.
Amanda R.
Didn't work at all.
Rochelle M.
Don’t waste your money
Chris P.
Amazing product and quite effective! Will continue to use!
Lise L.
I gave you a 5 star because I only heard good things about the product, I did not use it because I am on anti depressant medication, I lost my daughter a short time ago and I saw on the label not to use with antidepressant. I didn't return it because I had already open the bag.
Not noticing an effect.
Pat S.
The only way to stop alcohol cravings is to stop drinking!
Not helpful yet. Still drinking too much.
Hope you’re results are better!
Claudia L.
I do feel it cuts down on my desire to drink if that is the goal I set for myself. It seems to make me thirsty so I drink more water which makes it easier to drink less alcohol since Im not thirst or dehydrated. Seems to have a lots of vitamin B so calming takes the edge off. Hasn't helped me much with limiting my drinks once I start. Have to work harder on that one, but still think it is a useful product and will most likely buy again
Sonya P.
Do not buy this product!! It doesn't work and it's a waste of money. They don't give refunds or except returns. 150 dollars down the drain.
Kamala W.
I returned it 7/26/23 as it is contraindicated with other medicines I am currently taking.
Phyllis B.
I’m on my second month supply, and I noticed just a slight difference in the cravings that I have I have read in your reviews that it takes three or four months to essentially “” kick in and I’m hoping that’s the truth
Virginia R.
Excellent product. It helps reduce alcohol intake a great deal. Im grateful
Carleen J.
I am quite impressed with Declinol’s ability to reduce my cravings for alcohol. I should be clear that I am using Declinol to reduce the amount that I drink, not to completely quit altogether. It really has made a positive difference. There were a few days I didn’t take it, and went back to my usual habits. But going back to it, my cravings are reduced impressively right away. I will probably order another 30 day supply to get further along in this progress.
Jeff M.
I have been pleasantly surprised that this has helped my cravings. I have had a few drinks since starting it and have been able to resist that “one too many….” I have been on it 3 plus weeks and just ordered a 60 day supply.
Sheila B.
Have only taken it for 3 days but seems to be working. I'll let you know when I have taken more.
Susan G.
Has episodes of drinking at times.
Julia M.
It definitely helps curb cravings!
Rhonda K.
This products has decreased my alcohol intake. I have drunk less by taking this supplement then not taking anything at all.
Just finished my first 30 days helps with the craving of alcohol and I have ordered again for 60 days. Great product!
Monique H.
I am an every day drinker, not a lot, but two glasses of wine, and that 5-6 pm habit of grabbing a glass of wine is hard to break. I also used to find it hard to nurse a drink and be satisfied with just one. I am a social drinker with a busy social life and find it hard to choose alcohol free when out with friends or clients. Declinol has helped me from the first day. I haven't even tried the spray yet! Taking two pills a day, I have no craving for alcohol, no physical desire to feel buzzed or grab a drink. I am able to avoid drinking at home and socially, or have just one drink, nurse it and be fully satisfied. I have not wanted more, and when I went for the second (social situation) I actually couldn't finish it. I just don't want it even though it tastes great. Declinol is excellent and I am so thankful to have found this product. It helps me steer my already healthy lifestyle to an even higher level.
Susan R.
I need to be more dedicated.. I'm ok till weekend.
Chester R C.
I began with one after breakfast then one after lunch and it seemed to have a moderate affect. I then changed to two after breakfast and that seemed more effective. I still continue to have a couple in the evening, but I can now have a couple instead of having drinks until I completely loose control. So I do believe that this product is absolutely worth the cost
Randy S.
Declinol definitely helps! I no longer yearn for a drink in the afternoon, so with only a little willpower, I am able to not drink as before.
Jon M.
I recommend this to anyone wanting to stop drinking. I was an everyday drinker, and I haven't had a drink in almost two months. This is the longest I've been sober in over 16yrs.
I am now over 6 months without a drink. I started taking declinol about 2 years ago. I noticed right away that my cravings were not as strong and I was able to cut back on my drinking. I was drinking between 8 and 14 drinks a day was able to cut back to about 4. With declinol and counseling I stopped drinking completely in October 2022. I haven't needed the declinol in a while but I keep the pills on hand, just in case. Thank you!
Debbie G.
I am so grateful to Declinol. I have been trying to cut back on my drinking for years….
This product is amazing! I have lost my craving for alcohol nearly completely. I am 21 days Alcohol Free. my goal is 30 days…but I feel so good it might be my new lifestyle choice. I feel rested and happy! I feel less hungry too…. Extra bonus!
Cheers to you
shelia w.
This a great product 4 anyone who has a drinking problem!
Virginia R.
Very effective. I only have a couple of drinks on weekends.. I used to drink a bottle of wine per day. Couldn’t be happier.
george v.
It just works. Been drinking for 15 years. Stopped for 5 years cold turkey and relapsed 3 years ago. This is the only thing that kills cravings without side effects. Naltrexone also works but horrible side effects.
michelle R.
After about 2 weeks of every day use, I've literally cut my drinking in half. And working on cutting back even more. Highly recommended!
Melissa H.
I recently started taking this and I can see a huge decrease in my alcohol usage.
Simone D.
This product is pure magic!!! I just received my shipment last night and took my first 2 pills this morning. I used the spray around 10am, which is usually when I start to crave a drink. I usually have about 4-6 drinks per day (sometimes more), but today I have barely even craved ONE! I took a few sips and didn’t even want to finish it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the month goes with these supplements! I truly believe that this is going to save my relationship, as well as help me reach health goals that I have been unable to reach.
Jacqueline R.
I’m using it every day and I can see a difference.
Laura K.
Just started using product Seems to be working I think I was supposed to receive a spray, Didn't receive, Will it be coming separately?
Melissa T.
I ordered the 30 day extra strength regimen b/c I couldn't kick the nightly one or two cocktails/wine. I still want to drink socially on the weekends but I wanted to stop Sunday-Thursday, hoping it would help my chronic heartburn issues as well as give me more energy during the week. I was skeptical but hopeful that this product would work and I'm happy to say that it has! I have no idea how it works but I take the capsules earlier in the day and then 3 sprays under my tongue around 5pm when I start looking to wind down with a drink. It still takes a little will power on my end but totally doable. I just make a fizzy sparkling water drink instead and I really don't think about alcohol again. I'm very thankful for this product. In regards to it helping me drink less on the the weekends, I didn't notice much of a difference
Sarah F.
You have to make the decision to quit. If you do that, this product works. Going to order more.
Lynda B.
21 days of sober
Vitamin r the key for me
Spray works good but I only use for extreme cravings
Stay strong
Faith is stronger then fear
This is a steep hill for me to climb. I actually LIKE the feeling of the buzz. I'm a pro at getting away with it, have been so since I turned 18 in 1972. Then pot and the 70's and college experimentation. Once they really villainized weed, I moved to Gin and Vermouth. Then to wine. Now weed is available again, but at 68, it's a non-player for me. No interest. I am only stopping because I have so much to lose, including my lifestyle and freedoms, and to get the maximum use and enjoyment I can out of my body and mind in what are probably the last decent 10-15 years of my life. In that, I only want to cut way-back. I realize a lot of this is psychological. I carry the spray bottle in my car. I hit it after the gym, reminding myself not to stop at the wine store on the way home. I take the vitamin capsules 2x a day. My cravings are starting to subside. When I don't drink, I'm less apt to over-eat, so that's a plus. I've gone 2, 3 days without a drink, and sometimes a whole day without thinking about wine or beer (or vodka). My impression is that this is working, and I'm willing to give it a while longer. So, in summary, 2 weeks or so into the program, and so far, so good, from a guy who is not, and will never be, a saint.